Basic Tips For The Common Homeowner

I'll provide the upmost and current information to pass along. Mainly provided do's and don'ts of any onsite septic system. 

Our approach is focused on understanding your needs and providing practical solutions. From personal to hands-on experience.

Frequently asked questions

Do I Have To Pump My Septic Tank

Yes, In short all septic tanks need to be pumped at minimum every 3 to 5 years.


What Do I Do If My Red Light Is Flashing On My Septic Tank

The red light on your system indicates a high-water situation within your pump tank. 99% of the time it means your effluent lift pump has failed. 


As a homeowner can I install My Own Septic System

Yes, you have to have approval from your County Health Department before doing so. However, the 18E and 1900. rules still apply and is recommended to have a licensed Onsite Wastewater professional install the system for just cause reasons. Certain sites you only get one chance to install.  


I'm Selling My House, Do I Need A Septic Inspection?

No, but to have a better understanding of your existing system health and to educate the new homeowners; it's highly recommended to get a professional Point Of Sale inspection completed.  (Remember these inspections are to document system condition at the time of inspection) They do not guarantee functionality of a system. 


What Are The Common Problems with septic systems

Solid waste build up to point of slow drains, gurgling of fixtures, potential back up. Drain fields that are unable to disperse effluent efficiently. Lack of maintenance. 


What Is The Best Additive For My Septic Tank?

Your septic tank naturally contains good bacteria, and you won't really need to do much to put good bacteria in the septic tank. You can use additives like active yeast, rotten tomatoes, or store-bought septic enzymes or chemicals if you'd like, but typically, the system will produce beneficial bacteria on its own. 


Can I Park Or Drive On My Septic System?

NO, any part of a residential septic system is not design for vehicular traffic. However, there are tanks designed for traffic. They are most seen in commercial settings.  


Can I Use "Flushable" Wipes?

Yes you can use them but DO NOT FLUSH: flushable wipes, diapers, baby wipes, cigarettes, coffee grounds, fats, oils, grease, and feminine hygiene products should never be flushed or poured into toilets.